The Double Integration Method is an analytical procedure for solving beam deflections. This method aims to find an expression for the structure's deflected shape through a function.
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The Double Integration Method is the first method we will use to solve for structural deflections. Some references refer to it as Macaulay's Method or the Method of Successive Integrations.

It is an analytical procedure for solving deflections of beams. This method aims to find an expression for the structure's deflected shape. From there, we can describe the deflection at every beam point. The question is: how do we exactly do that?

Key Idea: Integrate the Bernoulli-Euler Beam Equation

To understand this method, one must understand the Bernoulli-Euler Beam model and equation. We recommend reading it first if you're unfamiliar with it.

It is a beam theory that describes the beam's behavior under flexural loads. One fundamental equation from their discussion is:

Bernoulli-Euler Equation: \(\frac{d^2\Delta}{dx^2}=\frac{M}{EI}\)

From the name Double Integration Method or successive integrations, we have a general idea of what to do with this equation. We will integrate it twice to solve for the beam's deflection. 

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Slope Equation

Let's try and solve the Bernoulli-Euler Equation. If we integrate it once, then:


Recall that \(\frac{d\Delta}{dx}\) is the slope of the deflected curve at point \(x\). It tells us the rotation \(\theta\) at said position. Using this equation, we can find the angular deflection at any point along the beam. We call this the slope (or rotation) equation.

Deflection Equation

Now, let's integrate the slope equation once more to get:


In this equation, \(\Delta\) represents linear deflection at point \(x\) or its translation. This equation helps us find such quantity at any point along the beam. We call this the deflection (or translation) equation.

Slope and Deflection Diagrams

Now that we integrated the Bernoulli-Euler equation. We have two equations we can use to describe the beam's deflection. It is enough to find the deflection at any point along the model.

We can do more. We can use these equations to create the beam's slope and deflection diagrams. It's a graphical representation of a structure's deflections (similar to axial, shear, moment, and torsion diagrams).

Creating such diagrams is as simple as plotting the function in a graph.

Two Approaches

Let's move on to the two approaches to this method. Generally, there are two approaches: a general equation or a segmented approach. It's best to explain these using examples.

Remember - this method of solving movements and rotation is only possible if we obey the Bernoulli-Euler Beam model.


Let's summarize:

The Double Integration Method is an analytical procedure for solving beam deflections.
This method aims to find an expression for the structure's deflected shape through a function.
If we integrate the Bernoulli-Euler equation once, we get the slope equation: \(\frac{d\Delta}{dx}=\theta=\int\frac{M}{EI}dx+C_1\)
If we integrate the Bernoulli-Euler equation twice, we get the deflection equation: \(\Delta=\iint\frac{M}{EI}dx+C_1x+C_2\)
Generally, there are two approaches: a general equation or a segmented approach.
Remember - this method of solving deflections is only possible if we obey the Bernoulli-Euler Beam model.

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Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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