Guide to WeTheStudy Quizzes

This article helps you discover how we conduct quizzes here at WeTheStudy. Quizzes are tools that help you test your competency in the topic. Passing one will let you "master" the idea.

Quizzes are ways to test your knowledge of the topic. Each node in the Tree will have a quiz. We want to ensure that our users have comprehended the topic.

Taking a quiz and successfully passing it would let you "master a node." Mastery will credit your progress and work towards completing tracks, allowing you to obtain certificates.

How to Take the Quiz?

You must be a WeTheStudy member to take a quiz.

  1. Click on the "Master Node" button on the article to begin the Quiz. It is at the sidebar above the navigation (table of contents).
  2. An Introduction Screen should appear that gives basic information on the Quiz: the topic, the edition, and some notes to take note of. You can access the "Tutorial" button to get a feel of the Quiz Interface.
  3. The Quiz automatically starts when you click "Let's Go" on the Intro screen.
  4. Answer the Quiz generally.
  5. Submit your answers, and we will process your results. 
  6. You will either get a success or failure screen depending on how you've answered. If you've succeeded, you have mastered the node! You can close the screen afterward. If you've failed, you can either quit or retake it.
  7. You can also view the questions and answers on the result screen. We want to allow you to review your input and the correct answers.

It is essential to note that "crossroad" articles do not have quizzes (yet). When you press the "Master Node" button, there will be no quiz for that article. We'll register that node as mastered in the background once activating it (for now).

How To Pass?

To pass, your percentage of correct answers must be greater than or equal to the passing rate.

  • The passing rate varies per node, but it usually is 80%. You can see the passing rate on the introduction screen.

How Will You Quiz Us?

As of now, we have the following quiz types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False

We are developing more quiz types, such as problem-solving, matching-type, and essay-type questions.

What Should I Know About the Quiz?

  1. We store our quizzes in a database that we maintain with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Some of the Q&A you might encounter is a result of AI generation. We are experimenting with a feature that uses artificial intelligence to generate the questions and answers of the node on the spot. That way, every Quiz is unique for each user.
  2. Quizzes are time-limited. It ensures that cheating is prohibited or that browsing other references during the Quiz is unfavorable. Try to answer all questions within the time limit. If time's up, you'll be unable to change your answer or complete missing ones, and you'll need to submit whatever you've finished.
  3. Quizzes are randomly selected. We will choose a pool of questions from our database. The number to answer will vary per node.
  4. You can retake the Quiz even if you've mastered it. If you fail despite mastering it, it won't discredit your mastery.
  5. Quitting while taking the Quiz, such as closing the tab or browser, will automatically forfeit the Quiz. 
  6. It's also essential that you DON'T QUIT on the loading screen or take multiple quizzes at once! Your records may not update if you do so.

Quiz Roadmap

The main goal of our quizzes is to make them reliable tools that test your competency and help you learn.

We are continuously developing our quiz application - adding more quiz types, optimizing it, and increasing the number of questions in the pool. Not only that, we want to redefine how quizzes work so that it emphasizes the following principles:

  • Failure is Part of Learning. Don't beat yourself up if you've failed. Sometimes, we comprehend better when we fail. We only fail if we give up.
  • Scores are Not the Only Measure of Competency. Sometimes, the higher the score for a quiz, the more proficient we think we are. But consistency also needs to be taken into account.

Something is Wrong with the Q&A

Because AI helps us generate Q&A, some of the answers to questions may need to be corrected. If you think it needs correction, click here to report.

Created On
January 22, 2024
Updated On
April 8, 2024

Edgar Christian Dirige


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