Tree of Knowledge: Roadmap

Explore WeTheStudy's innovative journey to expand the Tree of Knowledge—a visual learning tool connecting ideas across disciplines. Discover our roadmap's phases to create a holistic, credible, and flexible resource for personalized, accessible learning.

At the heart of WeTheStudy is the Tree of Knowledge - a visual and interactive tool.

We aim to grow it into something even better. At this point, we commit to making it an innovative supplemental tool for learning.

We want it to be:

  1. Holistic. We want to prioritize showing connections among seemingly disparate subjects. We believe interdisciplinary learning is the best way to acquire knowledge.
  2. Supplementary. We want to help our learners understand complex concepts. It's a tool that provides additional resources and alternative explanations.
  3. Accessible/Flexible. Being an online platform, we want our learners worldwide to access quality content.
  4. Personal. We want our learners to have a customized learning experience: choosing paths based on interests or career goals at their own pace.
  5. Credible. We want it to be a reliable form of credentials or proof of continuous learning.

With these goals, we have identified our priorities and divided our development into multiple phases.

Phase 1: Make It an Innovative Resource

We are currently developing the following features:

  • Quiz application
  • Tracks
  • Credential system (certificates)

We believe that after finishing this phase, our Tree will be an innovative tool for interdisciplinary learning.

Update: We have successfully finished Phase 1 as of March 2024.

Phase 2: Grow the Tree of Knowledge

Our Tree is still relatively young - only having around 100+ nodes. The next phase revolves around growing it: creating more branches and nodes, having more reliable nodes, and a better structure.

More Branches and Nodes

We want to expand the number of our nodes and connections - increasing the count to cover at least these essential topics:

  • Mathematics - Numbers, Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic and Solid Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, Differential Equations.
  • Physics - Mechanics

These articles will serve as a backbone for many other topics in various disciplines; In preparation for the next phase, we also plan to complete some specialized topics:

  • Engineering - Structural Engineering

Of course, we will not stop here. We will continually plan to add more content from various fields and place them into the Tree.

These new nodes should not be confined to theory but should have a mix of real-life applications. This combination would depend on the topic in discussion, and we'll differentiate these nodes as the Tree grows.

Stronger Nodes

One of the challenging needs of the Tree is to create accurate, reliable, and accessible content. We are in the process of making all nodes achieve this. This way, we'll move closer to making this Tree a reliable supplementary tool.

  • Our efforts include updating our articles regularly, providing solid references, and keeping track of content changes. Hence, as time goes by, our articles may get updates.
  • In addition, to make our resources more accessible and flexible to various learners, we want to introduce other learning formats for each node - video and interactive lessons.
  • Part of this effort is to make our content borderless - not confined to geographic boundaries. For example, we plan to use the Metric and English systems for problem-solving articles. Localization is also another aspect we would like to entertain.
  • Better quizzes by having more types.

Better Structure

As the Tree grows, we see the need to adjust the ordering of nodes and branches because knowledge is dynamic. We must change the tree structure as we see fit. WeTheStudy believes there is no fixed way of organizing all these nodes in one grand structure. How we manage this depends on how nodes connect well with other topics, especially to other disciplines.

Regarding tracking your progress, branches may break because of these adjustments; however, we believe "learning is a lifelong process." Changing the Tree structure at some point is essential to recognize that knowledge changes, and we must also continually update our knowledge.

If we have to make significant changes, we will do our best to notify you of these changes.

If you prefer to stick to an old structure (in case there are node changes), we plan to create a feature for choosing what tree structure you wish to learn from.

For more information, see Tree Evolution.

We Need Your Help

WeTheStudy believes in working together to create solutions. We need more people to help take care of the Tree. Creating an innovative tool requires the collaboration of ideas from all around the world.

Please get in touch with us if you have any suggestions or concerns or are interested in helping us. We appreciate your efforts, and we would like to recognize you. Let's make this world a better place!

Created On
December 5, 2023
Updated On
February 9, 2024

Edgar Christian Dirige



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