Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I change my name on the certificate?

For security purposes, you cannot change your name on your end; however, if you wish to modify the name on the certificate, you have to contact us.

What is Tree Evolution?

We are always in the process of developing the Tree. As such, we may add, change, or remove some nodes, paths, and tracks over time. When a significant change will happen, we will inform you. Click here for more information.

How often do you update your content?

We strive to provide fresh and relevant content at certain intervals. The frequency of updates may vary depending on the type of content. We aim to at least make monthly updates to our website.

What happens to my progress after the Tree evolves?

Short answer - your progress will adjust. When an evolution occurs, expect some changes to your Tree. To learn more, click here.

When an evolution occurs, will the previous certificates I've earned be valid?

Yes. All Track certificates would still be valid for personal and professional use within the validity period.

How do I become a member?

To become a member, click the "Pricing" button.
Afterward, follow the on-screen instructions to create your account, which involves three steps: (1) choosing a subscription plan on the "Pricing" page, (2) filling up basic information and paying using Stripe, and
(3) verifying your email.

What happens when I become a member?

When you become a member, you'll get the following benefits:

  • Complete access to all content in the Tree of Knowledge.
  • Ability to take a quiz.
  • Make your own Tree of Knowledge (by tracking and mastering nodes).
  • Ability to obtain certificates from WeTheStudy.
  • No advertisements.
Can I delete my account at any time?

Yes, you can. Please take note that canceling your account means cancellation of your subscription plan and deletion of your account. You will have to navigate to your account settings and look for "Delete Account."

Please note that our membership infrastructure uses a third-party integration. Our partners still need to work on a feature to delete your account from your end directly. If you wish to delete your account, you must contact us and request deletion.

When you delete your account, you will lose all progress made using this platform (Tree of Knowledge and Certificates). We will immediately delete all data associated with your account.

Can I share my membership with others?

No, sharing your account credentials is strictly against our terms of service. It's designed for individual use only.

How do I access the content as a member?

Once logged in, you can access all available content and resources directly as you read content from nodes of the tree.
No paywall is there to stop you from learning. Press the drop-down button to reveal premium content in some articles.