We can arrange the members of a structural frame in any way possible. Two typical configurations are (1) portal and (2) gable frames. Let's explore the difference.
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We can arrange the members of the frame in any way possible. Because there are an infinite number of possibilities, it is challenging to categorize structures out there into certain groups; however, two configurations are essential in terms of analysis methods:

Two Common Types

Portal versus gable frames

Portal Frame

A portal frame is a frame structure in which a minimum of two columns support a beam, and the connection between each is rigid. The final shape resembles an opening (hence, the term portal). One can see this type usually in steel warehouses.

Gable Frame

A gable frame is similar to a portal frame - two columns supporting a beam. What makes a gable frame different is that the beam slopes in a specific direction.

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Basic Unit

Different combinations of basic frame units

These two frames are the most basic type of frames out there. From here, one can build all sorts of variations of rigid frames:

  • We can create multi-span frames by placing these frames side-by-side.
  • We can create multi-leveled frames by stacking portal frames on each other.
  • We can create a multi-span AND multi-leveled at the same time to create a building frame.
  • We can modify the arrangement of portal and gable frames by placing intermediate members between them.


We can arrange the members of the frame in any way possible. Two typical configurations are (1) portal and (2) gable.
A portal frame is a structure in which a minimum of two columns support a beam, and the connection between each is rigid.
A gable frame is a structure in which a minimum of two columns support an inclined beam, and the connection between each is rigid.
Both frames are fundamental units in which we can build more complex rigid structures.
Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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