One important characteristic of conic sections is eccentricity - a number from zero to infinity that tells us the classification of the conic shape.
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For conic sections, we can define them in terms of conic eccentricity \(e\). It describes the shape of a conic.

Defining Eccentricity

We begin by defining what eccentricity \(e\) is. It is a number from 0 to infinity. At its basic, it is the ratio of \(c\) and \(a\):


What is \(c\) and \(a\)? Generally speaking, we can define it as the following:

  • Linear eccentricity \(c\) is the length between the center of the conic and its focus
  • Semi-major distance \(a\) is the half distance between the conic's vertices.

These distances \(c\) and \(a\) will depend on the conic:

Interpreting Eccentricity

When we have an eccentricity value \(e\), how do we interpret it? The following table shows the meaning:

From this table, we can observe the following: when we have an eccentricity of 0, it is a circle. As \(e\) grows larger and larger, the section deviates from being a circle. When \(e\) approaches infinity, it will eventually be a line.


For conic sections, we can define them in terms of conic eccentricity \(e\).
Conic eccentricity \(e\) is a number from 0 to infinity. We can define it mathematically as a ratio of linear eccentricity \(c\) and semi-major distance \(a\).
When we have an eccentricity of 0, it is a circle. As \(e\) grows larger and larger, the section deviates from being a circle.
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Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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