There are generally two approaches in structural analysis: classical and matrix. These two rose due to the development of structural analysis throughout history.
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Difference between classical and matrix approach

There are many approaches to studying the behavior of structures. Here are the following:

Classical Approach

The classical approach revolves around using principles from Mechanics. To name a few of these methods, we have the Method of Joints and Sections for trusses, the General Method for indeterminate structures, and the Moment Distribution Method.

In this approach, engineers solve problems by hand. Most structural engineering classes would start with this style. This approach gives students a good idea of how structures work. Once they have a solid understanding, they move on to the following approach.

Matrix Approach

The matrix approach studies the structure's behavior using vectors and matrices. It is an evolution of the previous style.

When structures were getting larger and larger, there was a need to provide faster and more precise results; however, its challenging to meet such demand using the last method. So, the question is, how can engineers deliver? 

That's where matrices and computers come in. Matrices can represent a lot of concepts in the classical approach. For example, one can make a matrix of the structure's geometry and loads, to name a few. Since computers are great at performing computations on these, the matrix approach made it easy to have faster and more accurate analyses.


There are several approaches in structural analysis. Examples include the classical and matrix approach.
The classical approach revolves around using principles from Mechanics.
The matrix approach studies the structure's behavior using vectors and matrices.
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Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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