An analytical model is an analysis model which serves as a basis for predicting the structure's behavior. It contains information of all structural components as well as its properties.
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For every structural model, there is an analytical model.

Analytical Model

A structural model of a building and its analytical model

An analytical model represents the structure's skeleton. Unlike the structural model, it is a simple representation using points, lines, and planes. Each represents a part of the model. For example,

  • A point is a joint.
  • A line is a member coinciding with its centroidal axis.
  • A plane is a panel.

Like the structural model, this helps you see how components are connected (with fewer details). What makes it unique is that this model acts as the basis for all analysis and design. In short, it is an analysis or a mathematical model.

Use of the Analytical Model

The primary use of this model is to predict the structure's behavior. The model must include all major components. Minute details that would not heavily affect its behavior are generally not included, such as connection details and section sizes.

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How Should We Model

It's easy to create an analytical model; however, it is often an overlooked step. It is a skill that requires experience. 

Generally, you would want a simple model that would give correct results; however, it shouldn't be too simple that details are missing. In addition, a complicated model may make it demanding to solve. These two extremes make modeling "a balancing game." The most important thing is that it should serve as an accurate and reliable source of a structure's behavior.

Creating a model would also depend on the behavior one wants to observe. It is noteworthy that engineers may create multiple models for the same structure - for instance, one may make a model with one set of loads and a new model for another group. Each of those would generate unique behavior of the structure.

What Should An Analytical Model Contain?

The model should have all components modeled with their respective points, lines, and planes and their properties:

  1. Geometry. The joint locations from a point. The end and intersection points of members and panels. The position of supports.
  2. Properties. The member's properties, materials, the panel's thickness, the joint's rigidity, and the support type.
  3. Behavior. How should each component transfer loads? What kind of stresses are allowed for this member?


An analytical model is an analysis model which serves as a basis for predicting the structure's behavior.
The model must include all major components of the structure. Minute details that would not heavily affect its behavior are generally not included.
When creating a model, the most important thing is that it should serve as an accurate and reliable source to describe the structure's behavior.
The model should have all components modeled with their respective symbols (points, lines, and planes) and their properties.

Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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