In this series of posts, we'll explore a basic overview of the different structural units, such as beams, trusses, frames, cables, slabs/shells, and many more.
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There are five fundamental structural forms: truss, beam, frame, surface, and cable. Each of these essential elements has its unique properties.

Basic Structure Units

Composite Structures

Example of composite structures

We can say that almost every structure that man has built is a combination of the essential five elements we talked about:

  • A house/building/or tower may consist of a frame, shells, and a truss.
  • A beam bridge may combine beams, frames, and shell units.
  • A cable bridge may connect a typical beam bridge with cables.
  • A retaining wall may combine a frame unit and a shell structure.

When these individual units form a more prominent structure, these are composite structures.


Let's summarize:

There are five fundamental structural forms: truss, beam, frame, cable, and shell.
When we build a structure with two or more essential elements, it is a composite structure.
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Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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