The beam is a long slender member designed to resist loads. It can vary on many properties, but generally, it's a structure that experiences shear and flexural stresses.
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The beam is a long slender member designed to resist loads. It can be a simple wooden plank to cross an obstacle, a gymnast's tool to practice one's balance, or a girder to support the floor.

It is one of the basic structures an engineer can use. For example, structural engineers can use a series of purlins to support the roof; a mechanical engineer can use a beam to design types of machinery and equipment. The real-life applications are endless.

What Makes a Beam?

Beams are long slender objects that can have different longitudinal and transverse properties

Beams can be of various shapes and sizes. For example,

These factors depend on the beam's purpose. If you're dealing with structural girders to resist building loads, we can use a straight steel flange section or a straight reinforced concrete rectangular beam section.

How Do Beams Behave?

Beams predominantly experience shear and flexural stresses

When loads act on a beam, the primary behavior is that it bends along its length. As a result, the beam will predominantly experience shear and flexural stresses. Later on, we'll see more about how this works as we go along with the course.


The beam is a long slender member designed to resist loads.
A beam can vary in terms of five aspects: (1) configuration, (2) geometry, (3) material, (4) shape, and (5) uniformity
The beam will mainly experience shear and flexural stresses.
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Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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