The virtual work method is arguably one of the most powerful methods in solving structural deflections. In this post, we'll explore the basic naming convention we will use as preparation.
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The virtual work method (also known as the unit-load method) is one of the practical and flexible methods for solving deflections. This method allows you to solve for the deflections of beams, frames, and trusses; hence, it is a must-know procedure.

Before discussing the virtual work equation, we must familiarize ourselves with a special notation for unit loads and couples:

Unit Load

Unit load notation

Say we have a frame with a unit load of \(1kN\) acting to the right at point \(D\). It causes the structure to deflect, as shown.

To represent the deflection of this structure due to the unit load, we use the following:

  • Linear translation \(\delta\). 
  • For horizontal components, it is either \(\delta_h\) or \(\delta_x\)
  • For vertical components, it is either \(\delta_v\) or \(\delta_y\)
  • Angular translation / Rotation \(\alpha^{'}\) or \(\alpha^{'}_{m}\)

The translation is the lowercase Greek letter delta \(\delta\), while rotation is the Greek letter alpha \(\alpha\) with an apostrophe.

The subscript naming convention consists of two components: (1) the type of deflection and (2) the unit load that causes it. 

Let's go back to our frame and name the horizontal deflection at \(C\), which would be \(\delta_{C_hD_h}\). The first part \(\delta_{C_h}\) means we are identifying the horizontal deflection at \(C\). The second part, Dh, refers to the unit horizontal load at D, which caused that deflection.

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Unit Couple

Unit couple notation

Say we have a frame with a unit couple of \(1kN\bullet{m}\) acting clockwise at point \(C\). It causes the structure to deflect, as shown.

To represent the deflection of this structure due to the unit couple, we use the following:

  • Linear translation \(\delta^{'}\). 
  • For horizontal components, it is either \(\delta_h^{'}\) or \(\delta_x^{'}\)
  • For vertical components, it is either \(\delta_v^{'}\) or \(\delta_y^{'}\)
  • Angular translation / Rotation \(\alpha\) or \(\alpha_{m}\)

The translation is the lowercase Greek letter delta \(\delta\) with an apostrophe, while rotation is the Greek letter alpha \(\alpha\).

The subscript naming convention consists of two components: (1) the type of deflection and (2) the unit couple that causes it.

To illustrate our convention, let's consider the rotation at \(C\). It would be \(\alpha_{C_mC_m}\) using our rules. The first part \(\alpha_{C_m}\) means we are identifying the rotation at \(C\). The second part \(C_m\) refers to the unit couple at \(C\), which caused that deflection.

Now that we've discussed the notation, we're ready to proceed to the theory of the virtual work method.


Let's summarize:

  • The virtual work method (also known as the unit-load method) is one of the practical and flexible methods for solving deflections.

Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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