Many of the world's phenomena can be represented by growth and decay. We can do this by representing the factors of the event using a differential equation.
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One essential application of differential equations (DE) is to model the growth and decay phenomenon. Examples of which are radioactive decay and population growth. We'll explore more in this post:

Modeling Growth and Decay

If a quantity \(y\) is a function of time \(t\) and is directly proportional to its rate of change \(y^{\prime}\), then we can model the event as a differential equation:

  • \(y^{\prime} \propto y\)
  • \(y^{\prime} = ky\), where \(k\) is the constant of proportionality

We can solve this DE using the separation of variables method and expressing the solution in its exponential form:

  • \(\frac{dy}{dt}=ky\)
  • \(\frac{dy}{y}=kdt\)
  • \(\ln y=kt+\ln C\)
  • \(\ln y - \ln C = kt\)
  • \(\ln \frac{y}{C} = kt\)
  • \(e^{\ln \frac{y}{C}} = e^{kt}\)
  • \(\frac{y}{C}=e^{kt}\)
  • \(y=Ce^{kt}\)

The general solution, \(y=Ce^{kt}\), has the following variables: 

  • \(y\) is the output
  • \(C\) is the initial value
  • \(k\) is the constant of proportionality
  • \(t\) is time

Such events that follow this model are growth and decay situations. It is a growth model if \(k \gt 0\). Otherwise, it is a decay model if \(k \lt 0\).

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One of the most straightforward applications is the decay of radioactive isotopes – elements that emit radiation due to unstable nuclei. 

In the scientific field, we would be interested in determining how much of a given isotope will decay at a particular time. As a basis, scientists will refer to its half-life – a measure of time that will tell us when half of the material will decay.

For example, if the half-life of Zirconium-89 is 78.41 hours, then Zr-89 would have decayed by half after 78.41 hours.


Let's say we want to find the amount of Zr-89 after 48 hours if its mass was \(m_1 =100g\) initially.

In this type of problem, it's best to list the details of the problem:

  • Initial condition: \(m_1 = 100\) when \(t_1 = 0\)
  • Unknown condition: \(m_2\) when \(t_2 = 48\)
  • Half-life condition: \(m_3 = 50\) when \(t_3 = 78.41\)

Find the Model

Since the amount is directly proportional to its rate of change \(m \propto m^{\prime}\), it observes the decay application of DE; hence, the model for such a phenomenon, as derived earlier, is: \(m = Ce^{kt}\).

After identifying this model (general solution), we need to find the constants \(C\) and \(k\) based on the conditions. Another way of saying this is we need to find a particular solution based on the given criteria:

For \(C\), let's use the initial criteria: 

  • \(100=Ce^{k(0)}\)
  • \(C=100\)

For \(k\), consider the half-life condition:

  • \(50=100e^{k(78.41)}\)
  • \(k=-8.840×10^{-3}\)

The constant of proportionality is negative; hence, we can confirm it is a decay model.

Now that we know these constants, we can now form the model

\(m = 100e^{(-8.840×10^{-3})(t)}\). 

This expression is the function we use to determine the amount of Zr-89 at any given point in time. We can see a graphical view of the function below.


At this point, we only need to substitute \(t=48\) hours to determine the answer to the problem:

  • \(m = 100e^{(-8.840×10^{-3})(t)}\)
  • \(m = 100e^{(-8.840×10^{-3})(48)}\)
  • \(m = 65.42\)

The result means that after 48 hours, there would be 65.42 grams of Zr-89 left.

Solution Curve


Suppose a quantity \(y\) is a function of time \(t\) and is directly proportional to its rate of change \(y^{\prime}\). In that case, we can model the event as a differential equation: \(y^{\prime} = ky\), where \(k\) is the constant of proportionality.
The general solution, \(y=Ce^{kt}\), has the following variables: \(y\) is the output, \(C\) is the initial value, \(k\) is the constant of proportionality, and \(t\) is time
Such events that follow this model are growth and decay situations. It is a growth model if \(k \gt 0\). Otherwise, it is a decay model if \(k \lt 0\).
Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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