The second theorem of the Area Moment Method states that "the tangential deviation of point 2 from point 1 is equal to the first moment of the area of the flexural moment divided by flexural rigidity diagram."
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This post introduces the second theorem of the area moment method: tangential deviation.

What is Deviation?

Definition of deviation

Consider a beam \(AB\) and its deflected shape \(A'B'\). At point \(A'\), draw a tangent line extending the whole length of the beam. We shall call this tangent the "reference."

Any perpendicular distance starting from any point of the deflected shape to the "reference" is called the tangential deviation.

In the figure, there are two deviations: \(t_{B/A}\) and \(t_{C/A}\). The first letter in the subscript refers to the location of the deviation, while the second letter is the reference.

So, for \(t_{B/A}\), we are referring to the tangential deviation at point \(B\) from the tangent line drawn at \(A^{\prime}\).

Another thing to note is that deviation \(t\) is different from deflection \(\Delta\), as seen in the figure. If you look at point \(C\), deflection \(\Delta_{C_v}\) is the distance from the undeflected axis towards its elastic curve, while \(t_{C/A}\) is the distance from the deflected shape to the reference tangent drawn at point \(A'\).

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Deriving the Tangential Deviation

To solve deflection components using this method, we need to find an expression to determine the tangential deviation \(t\) from position \(x\).

Consider the simple beam \(AB\) and its deflected shape \(A'B'\) as shown. 

Derivation of tangential deviation

Say we are interested in finding deviation \(t_{B/A}\).

We can think of a line or curve as points that obey a specific mathematical condition. For example, a circle is a set of points equidistant to a fixed point called the center.

Using the same analogy, we can say that the tangential deviation is a line segment composed of multiple points; however, instead of using one-dimensional points, we can also say that deviation is composed of tiny pieces \(dt\)

We have an idea of what composes our deviation, but what makes \(dt\)? To answer that, consider point \(C^{\prime}\) and an adjacent point \(C^{\prime \prime}\). Draw tangent lines and extend them until it intersects the deviation. 

Since we are obeying the Bernoulli-Euler model, the distance between \(C^{\prime}\) and \(C^{\prime \prime}\) relative to each other is approaching zero. In that way, we can say that points \(C^{\prime}\) and \(C^{\prime \prime}\) come from the same position \(\bar{x}\) - the distance of \(C\) to the deviation. 

Let \(d\theta\) be the central angle between these two tangent lines. If you look closely, we can think of it as an intercept (arc length) of \(\bar{x}\) and \(d\theta\):


Since deviation is the sum of minuscule intercepts, we integrate the previous expression to get \(t_{B/A}\):

Equation 1: \(t_{B/A}=\int\bar{x}d\theta\)

Recall in the derivation of the Bernoulli-Euler Beam Equation that the beam's curvature is:


Substituting this to Equation 1 will lead to an expression for \(t\):


This expression is the second theorem of the area moment method: "the tangential deviation of point \(x_2\) from \(x_1\) is equal to the first moment of the area of the \(\frac{M}{EI}\) diagram."

We will use this expression to find the tangential deviation at position \(x_2\) from a reference tangent at position \(x_1\). It is essential to note that \(\bar{x}\) refers to a relative distance to position \(x_2\).

Sign Convention

Like the change in slope, we also have sign conventions for the tangential deviation:

Deviation sign convention
  • The tangential deviation is positive if the point along the deflected shape is above the reference tangent.
  • Otherwise, it is negative if the point along the deflected shape is below the reference tangent.


Let's summarize:

Any perpendicular distance starting from any point of the deflected shape to the "reference" tangent line is called the tangential deviation.
The second theorem of the area moment method states that "the tangential deviation of point \(x_2\) from \(x_1\) is equal to the first moment of the area of the \(\frac{M}{EI}\) diagram."
When we have a positive tangential deviation, the point along the deflected shape is above the reference tangent. Otherwise, it is negative if the point along the deflected shape is below the reference tangent.

Created On
June 5, 2023
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Edgar Christian Dirige

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